Safety Tips for Using Table Top Grills

Grilling outside is a crucial component of summer. On any summer evening, all you have to do is stroll through your neighborhood to smell your neighbors grilling outside. The National Fire Protection Association reports that there are typically 8,700 outdoor grill and barbecue fires in the US each year. Not to mention that 19,000 patients visit the emergency room on a yearly average for burns and other incidents related to grilling. How can you take advantage of grilling season using your Camp Chef Flat Top Grill without ruining your home or visiting the hospital emergency room? Find out now.

1. Put Your Grill In A Safe Location

The most crucial factor in ensuring the safety of your family while grilling is possibly where you place your grill. Although it may be tempting, grilling inside can produce harmful, invisible carbon monoxide. Place your grill at least 10 feet away from your home instead. Never set it up close to anything that might catch fire, such as trees, tablecloths, lawn decorations, or under overhangs. Place your grill in a level, flat area.

2. Clean Grill Regularly

Clean your grill thoroughly before using it every time. Grease and another buildup that may cause flare-ups and provide fuel for potential fires should be removed. Additionally, it doesn’t sound very appetizing to add new food to the stale leftovers from the previous week.

3. Check Your Grill For Problems

It is common for grills to experience issues like propane leaks. Check all gas lines, and test for leaks by applying a small amount of soapy water to potential trouble spots. If your grill has a gas leak, it needs to be fixed or replaced.

4. Wear The Right Gear

When grilling, your attire matters. Your arms and hands can be protected from the heat of the fire by wearing long sleeves and grilling gloves. Wearing loose clothing while grilling is not recommended. It is easily flammable. Wear your long hair up and away from your face if you have it.

5. Be Ready To Put Out A Fire

Be prepared to extinguish any fire you encounter. You’ll want to be prepared for major fires and flare-ups. An effective method for putting out a grease fire is baking soda. Using a fire extinguisher is another option. Make sure it’s in working order and that you know how to use it. Call 911 right away if you need assistance putting out a fire.

6. Use Caution When using Fluid Lighter

You don’t typically need lighter fluid. However, it might be advantageous for lighting charcoal grills. Use lighter fluid sparingly and only to ignite the charcoal. Never add lighter fluid to an already lit and functioning grill.

7. Don’t Turn On The Gas While The Grill Is Closed

You might not give it a second thought. You light the gas without lifting the grill’s lid. Your grill starts to fill with that propane as you are fumbling with the lighter. By the time you light your grill, you’ve already set up a scenario in which it will ignite into a fireball. Always remove the lid before lighting your grill to allow the propane to escape.

8. Never Leave A Grill Unattended

Most of us have done this at some point while cooking on the grill. Most of the time, it simply means that your dinner will be burned hamburgers. However, there’s a chance that if you leave your grill running while you’re gone, you could start a large fire or cause small children to burn themselves. Make sure you can be there to see the cooking through once the grill is fired up. Also, don’t forget to keep animals and children away from the grill. Despite what might seem like common sense, young children or animals can easily get hurt on a hot grill. To prevent burns or injuries while grilling, speak to older children and keep an eye on any younger children or pets.

9. Don’t Overload Your Grill

There is a good reason why grills are so large. It’s simple to assume that. Sadly, overloading your grill with greasy meats can result in a grease fire and significant flare-ups. Cook the meat in smaller amounts at a time. You can try the top 3 easiest grilling recipes in your griller.  If you have an uncontrollable fire, you’ll be less likely to start one and less likely to burn tons of meat.

10. Use A Meat  Thermometer

Meat is typically grilled. Without actually reaching the proper temperatures inside the meat, it is simple to burn the outside of your meat on a hot grill. An effective workaround for this is to use a meat thermometer. Simply insert it to check whether the temperature of your meat is appropriate. It’s simple, and your family won’t get sick from food the rest of the day.

11. Don’t Cross Contaminate Foods

Despite the fact that grilling is typically done with meat, you can also grill pizza, fruits, and vegetables. Work carefully to avoid contaminating cooked foods or foods that don’t require much heat with raw meats. Set aside specific areas of your grill for cooking raw meats and for other purposes.

12. Always Turn Off Your Grill

Even though turning off your grill might seem obvious, it’s simple to forget when you’re pressed for time to prepare dinner. Because you can’t simply flip a switch to turn it off when you’re grilling with charcoal, it becomes even more challenging. Establish a routine that includes turning everything off and extinguishing any fires before you grill each time. It only requires a few extra seconds, but it can safeguard your family.

In Conclusion

A fun way to get your family together is to grill. A few easy precautions can help you keep your family safe from dangers like fire, injury, and even food poisoning.