5 Effective Ways to Clean Ovens With Home Remedies

Ovens are one of those appliances we often neglect cleaning, and they’re among the least favourite cleaning chores for almost everyone.

Not only that, but the process also generates a huge amount of waste every year.

For instance, the average oven cleaning company cleans around 1200 ovens monthly, using 3 bags per oven. This equals 3 600 bags per month and 43 200 plastic bags per year.

No wonder why some people choose to get a grill or an air fryer instead.

However, it’s important to note that cleaning your oven regularly can improve its efficiency, lower your electricity bill, increase lifespan, and even improve the food’s taste.

Fortunately, there are more sustainable and still effective oven cleaning methods that you can perform with kitchen cupboard staples rather than chemical solutions.

Here are the most effective and eco-friendly ways to clean your oven.

Cleaning your oven with sodium bicarbonate

This is one of the most famous and effective eco kitchen cleaning hacks. It helps neutralise foul odours and is an excellent solution when cleaning ovens, microwaves, and even tile grout. It’s also inexpensive and universally available.

However, to maximise its effectiveness, you must store it properly after opening it. The best way to ensure that is to keep it in a cool, dry place, sealed in an airtight container.

Use baking soda and white vinegar mixture to clean your oven overnight for it is one of the most effective combinations for keeping your oven clean.

Mix a bit of H2O with the sodium bicarbonate. This will then create a paste, which you will then rub on the inside of your oven. Apply it to the racks and the glass door too. Coat everything well and let it sit overnight.

The next day, the baking soda mixture should be completely dry. Get an empty spray bottle and add to it some undiluted white vinegar and spritz the inside of your oven really well. Close the appliance’s door after and let it sit for 1-2 hours.

Once done, scrub in circular motions with a rag or sponge. You’ll notice that all the grease is coming off easily. Clean until all traces of the baking soda mixture are gone.

However, if it’s been too long since you last cleaned your appliance’s inside, you may have to repeat the procedure.

Cleaning your oven with lemon

Lemons are an eco-friendly alternative to cleaning your oven because citric acid has powerful anti-bacterial, antiseptic, and degreasing properties that can help break even the toughest grease and gunk.

They can also be especially useful if you like to cook a lot of pizza and have to clean burnt bits stuck at the bottom of your appliance.

Juice two lemons, add some water, and boil the mixture on the stove. Once it boils, add a tablespoon of dishwashing soap.

When the mixture stirs, remove it from the stove, and let it cool before transferring it into a spray bottle. Spray it directly on the dirty areas and use a scourer and a sponge to clean them off.

However, if it’s been too long since you last cleaned your oven, there’ll likely be a lot of grease and gunk. If that’s the case, it’s then it would be best to steam clean your appliance’s inside with lemon, so all the dirt can be loosened and cleaned easier.

Boil some water and fill a glass bowl with it. Then juice 2 lemons and add them as well. Place the mixture in the oven and allow some time for the melting of the lemon-infused steam. This will loosen all the built-up grease and fat.

After 60-90 minutes, you’ll have a much easier time cleaning it. If you’re in a hurry, use the lemon rub cleaning method by cutting 3-4 lemons in halves.

After you’re done with steam cleaning your appliance, you can use those halves to give the inside some additional rub with citric acid. Leave it on for a while for a greater effect.

You’ll be able to clean even the dirtiest of spots then and have an overall easier time cleaning your oven.

Cleaning your oven with DIY sugar soap

Sugar soap is also a popular way to keep your oven clean. It’s specifically designed to clean grease and stubborn dirt.

However, you’ll have to make it yourself because the commercial version contains compounds that are harmful to the environment.

You will need the following:

  • Brown sugar (1.5 tbs),
  • 2 teaspoons of essential oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of Vitamin E oil
  • 2 cups of opaque glycerin melt-and-pour soap.

Cut and melt the soap into cubes, using the double boiler method, while keeping the lid covered. Once done, take them off the stove. You can then add the vitamin E oil and brown sugar.

Fill the mixture into a glass measuring cup, and then add the essential oil. Pour the soap mixture into moulds. Remove any bubbles should they appear gently with alcohol. You can then leave it to set for around 4 hours.

Once you’re done, you can proceed to clean your oven.

Cleaning your oven with salt

Cleaning your oven with salt is another natural way to remove spills and burnt-on food bits with a common ingredient in every kitchen. If you spill food in your hot oven and can’t clean it immediately, sprinkle table salt on it.

Sodium is an eco-cleaning ingredient because of its abrasive and absorbent properties. It keeps stains from setting, and if used in combination with white vinegar, it can clean even the most stubborn stains and greased-on bits.

After you apply salt to the spill, let it sit for a few hours. Use a soft or a microfibre cloth to remove the spill once the cooking compartment cools.

Steam clean your oven with vinegar

White vinegar is another oven-cleaning hack that does wonders for your appliance. It even works on countertop ovens too! You only need a wide pot or a casserole dish, some water, and distilled white vinegar.

Remove all the racks, clean them separately, and place one in the centre of the oven. Fill a cup with distilled white vinegar and add it to the casserole, followed by enough water to fill it.

Place the casserole inside, close the door, and turn the oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit/230 degrees Celsius. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes, depending on how dirty your oven is. Use a damp rag or a sponge to wipe the interior clean.

Use a scrubber pad and baking soda where necessary for any remaining stubborn spots. After that, remove the casserole, and let your oven cool off.


Many people will readily admit that cleaning the oven isn’t among their favourite house chores.

However, using these effective home remedies to get the job done will ensure the process will not require all that much effort except a few hours of your schedule.

Ultimately, you can always book professional oven cleaning services if you don’t have the time or energy to do it yourself and use those extra moments to rest and relax.